Good Bye ‘International Women’s Day’


It is International Women’s Day (IWD) today – the day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The commemorative day for Women’s rights was minted when women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8.

With the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report reporting that gender parity is still over two centuries away – it is imperative to stay hopeful, motivated and to #PressforProgress, while movements such as #MeToo#TimesUp and also continue to fuel global activism for gender parity.

I support IWD and celebrate the achievements of amazing women around me who inspire me whether they are C-Suites, Entrepreneurs, Stay-home-moms or working moms. Going by the WEF findings, even if it experiences some standard deviation (big or small), I will not live to see gender parity.

However I continue to support it and to find my role to play (however big or small) to contribute to the progress that my great grandkids (and future generations) will one day benefit from. That is the other kind of legacy that we can collectively leave behind for our daughters AND sons.

What we are doing is working towards the day when we can finally say goodbye to IWD and all these hashtags. A time when we do not have to feel the need to set aside a date just to celebrate women’s achievements- that just the thought of it would be ridiculous. When gender disparity is a given and expected for both sides. When women are not disadvantaged and men are not vilified or complicit. When our own levels of successes or failures are not a result of our gender but rather our own doing and meritocracy.

Because I may not live to see that day (unless cryogenics, is an option) I’d like to have my go at saying ‘Good bye’ International Women’s Day.

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